Pilates Classes
As a Physiotherapist I teach Clinical Pilates and trained with the Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute (APPI) who are based in London.
Clinical Pilates is taught by Physiotherapists and it uses their extended knowledge and Physiotherapy training to be able to modify and adjust the Pilates exercises to an individual need. All the classes are for mixed ability levels. I do provide different levels of difficulty for each exercise where appropriate and I strongly advise you to work at your own level. I will happily answer questions during the class and I will supervise and make adjustments to correct the exercise for you during the class should you need it.
My classes are based on Joseph Pilates original matwork exercises, but have been modified by Physiotherapists to make them more appropriate for the wider population including those recovering from injuries or experiencing pain.
Pilates works on your core strength, activating the deep layer of muscles supporting your body, enabling you to move more efficiently. It continues to work on building your strength and improving your posture and flexibility by targeting both the local and global muscular system. It improves any muscle imbalances within the body reducing the likelihood of pain and injury due to these imbalances.
The exercises are a combination of standing exercises and matwork exercises.
Pricing & Classes
All classes are £9 per class or £32 for a block of 4
The Old School rooms in Congresbury
Tuesdays 2pm - 3pm
Thursdays 10.30am - 11.30am
Draycott Memorial Hall
Wednesdays 10.15am - 11.15am
Fridays 10.15am - 11.15am
Sandford Village Hall
Thursdays 5.40pm - 6.40pm
Winscombe Community Centre
Mondays 9.15 - 10.15am & 10.30-11.30am